Breadcrumbs là một thành phần không thể thiếu cho những trang có hệ thống menu đồ sộ. Nó giúp người dùng dễ dàng di chuyển đến những trang mà họ muốn. Đồng thời cũng là một công cụ để SEO, giúp bạn tăng khả năng tìm kiếm trên Google. Bài viết này sẽ nhằm vào những bạn có đam mê lập trình, muốn tự tay tạo cho mình những chức năng cho web của mình. Còn nếu bạn nào muốn sử dụng plugin thì có thể tham khảo BreadCrumb NavXT.

Chúng ta sẽ tiến hành chèn breadcrumbs vào trang WordPress của mình theo các bước sau đây:

Bước 1 :

Mở file functions.php nằm trong folder theme của bạn. Sau đó copy và dán đoạn code sau vào bên trong nó :

function wp_bac_breadcrumb() {
//Variable (symbol >> encoded) and can be styled separately.
//Use >> for different level categories (parent >> child >> grandchild)
$delimiter = '<span> &raquo; </span>';
//Use bullets for same level categories ( parent . parent )
$delimiter1 = '<span> &bull; </span>';
//text link for the 'Home' page
$main = 'Home';
//Display only the first 30 characters of the post title.
$maxLength= 30;
//variable for archived year
$arc_year = get_the_time('Y');
//variable for archived month
$arc_month = get_the_time('F');
//variables for archived day number + full
$arc_day = get_the_time('d');
$arc_day_full = get_the_time('l');
//variable for the URL for the Year
$url_year = get_year_link($arc_year);
//variable for the URL for the Month
$url_month = get_month_link($arc_year,$arc_month);
/*is_front_page(): If the front of the site is displayed, whether it is posts or a Page. This is true
when the main blog page is being displayed and the 'Settings > Reading ->Front page displays'
is set to "Your latest posts", or when 'Settings > Reading ->Front page displays' is set to
"A static page" and the "Front Page" value is the current Page being displayed. In this case
no need to add breadcrumb navigation. is_home() is a subset of is_front_page() */
//Check if NOT the front page (whether your latest posts or a static page) is displayed. Then add breadcrumb trail.
if (!is_front_page()) {
//If Breadcrump exists, wrap it up in a div container for styling.
//You need to define the breadcrumb class in CSS file.
echo '<div>';
//global WordPress variable $post. Needed to display multi-page navigations.
global $post, $cat;
//A safe way of getting values for a named option from the options database table.
$homeLink = get_option('home'); //same as: $homeLink = get_bloginfo('url');
//If you don't like "You are here:", just remove it.
echo 'You are here: <a href="' . $homeLink . '">' . $main . '</a>' . $delimiter;
//Display breadcrumb for single post
if (is_single()) { //check if any single post is being displayed.
//Returns an array of objects, one object for each category assigned to the post.
//This code does not work well (wrong delimiters) if a single post is listed
//at the same time in a top category AND in a sub-category. But this is highly unlikely.
$category = get_the_category();
$num_cat = count($category); //counts the number of categories the post is listed in.
//If you have a single post assigned to one category.
//If you don't set a post to a category, WordPress will assign it a default category.
if ($num_cat <=1)  //I put less or equal than 1 just in case the variable is not set (a catch all).
echo get_category_parents($category[0],  true,' ' . $delimiter . ' ');
//Display the full post title.
echo ' ' . get_the_title();
//then the post is listed in more than 1 category.
else {
//Put bullets between categories, since they are at the same level in the hierarchy.
echo the_category( $delimiter1, multiple);
//Display partial post title, in order to save space.
if (strlen(get_the_title()) >= $maxLength) { //If the title is long, then don't display it all.
echo ' ' . $delimiter . trim(substr(get_the_title(), 0, $maxLength)) . ' …';
else { //the title is short, display all post title.
echo ' ' . $delimiter . get_the_title();
//Display breadcrumb for category and sub-category archive
elseif (is_category()) { //Check if Category archive page is being displayed.
//returns the category title for the current page.
//If it is a subcategory, it will display the full path to the subcategory.
//Returns the parent categories of the current category with links separated by '»'
echo 'Archive Category: "' . get_category_parents($cat, true,' ' . $delimiter . ' ') . '"' ;
//Display breadcrumb for tag archive
elseif ( is_tag() ) { //Check if a Tag archive page is being displayed.
//returns the current tag title for the current page.
echo 'Posts Tagged: "' . single_tag_title("", false) . '"';
//Display breadcrumb for calendar (day, month, year) archive
elseif ( is_day()) { //Check if the page is a date (day) based archive page.
echo '<a href="' . $url_year . '">' . $arc_year . '</a> ' . $delimiter . ' ';
echo '<a href="' . $url_month . '">' . $arc_month . '</a> ' . $delimiter . $arc_day . ' (' . $arc_day_full . ')';
elseif ( is_month() ) {  //Check if the page is a date (month) based archive page.
echo '<a href="' . $url_year . '">' . $arc_year . '</a> ' . $delimiter . $arc_month;
elseif ( is_year() ) {  //Check if the page is a date (year) based archive page.
echo $arc_year;
//Display breadcrumb for search result page
elseif ( is_search() ) {  //Check if search result page archive is being displayed.
echo 'Search Results for: "' . get_search_query() . '"';
//Display breadcrumb for top-level pages (top-level menu)
elseif ( is_page() && !$post->post_parent ) { //Check if this is a top Level page being displayed.
echo get_the_title();
//Display breadcrumb trail for multi-level subpages (multi-level submenus)
elseif ( is_page() && $post->post_parent ) {  //Check if this is a subpage (submenu) being displayed.
//get the ancestor of the current page/post_id, with the numeric ID
//of the current post as the argument.
//get_post_ancestors() returns an indexed array containing the list of all the parent categories.
$post_array = get_post_ancestors($post);
//Sorts in descending order by key, since the array is from top category to bottom.
//Loop through every post id which we pass as an argument to the get_post() function.
//$post_ids contains a lot of info about the post, but we only need the title.
foreach($post_array as $key=>$postid){
//returns the object $post_ids
$post_ids = get_post($postid);
//returns the name of the currently created objects
$title = $post_ids->post_title;
//Create the permalink of $post_ids
echo '<a href="' . get_permalink($post_ids) . '">' . $title . '</a>' . $delimiter;
the_title(); //returns the title of the current page.
//Display breadcrumb for author archive
elseif ( is_author() ) {//Check if an Author archive page is being displayed.
global $author;
//returns the user's data, where it can be retrieved using member variables.
$user_info = get_userdata($author);
echo  'Archived Article(s) by Author: ' . $user_info->display_name ;
//Display breadcrumb for 404 Error
elseif ( is_404() ) {//checks if 404 error is being displayed
echo  'Error 404 – Not Found.';
else {
//All other cases that I missed. No Breadcrumb trail.
echo '</div>';

Bước 2 :

Các bạn tìm đến file header.php cũng nằm cùng vị trí với file funcitons.php và dán đoạn code sau vào bên trong nó :

         if (function_exists('wp_bac_breadcrumb')) {wp_bac_breadcrumb();}

Bước 3

Tạo css cho breadcrumbs.

Việc tạo breadcrumbs coi như đã xong, bây giờ chúng ta chỉ cần chèn thêm vài hiệu ứng css cho nó chạy mượt là được. Các bạn có thể copy đoạn code sau vào style.css trong folder theme của bạn.

/* Styling Breacrumb Navigation by BOUTROS ABICHEDID */
     padding:0 0 0 47px;
     margin:9px 0 0 0;
    color: #627FC3;

Chúc các bạn thành công !

  • Wordpress
  • December 3, 2012
  • 0 comment

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